5 Things I Loved This February

Several email lists that I subscribe to do a monthly list of things they’re enjoying. Those emails are my favorites. Often I delete similar emails without reading them. There’s just not enough time to keep up with them all. But the “things I’m loving” emails get saved until I have some time to comb through them.

5 Things I Loved this February

With so much content available online, I find it helpful and enjoyable to receive a curated list of podcasts, blog posts, books, recipes, etc. that someone else has already vetted and enjoyed.

Since I don’t plow through books quite as fast these days, I will be experimenting with mixing in other types of content as I try to get back into the blogging game. A “what I’m loving” list seemed like a good place to start since it’s the type of content I enjoy receiving.

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Book Review: Traitor’s Masque

What if Cinderella had a lot to learn about being kind, no particular interest in a royal ball, and no fairy godmother? Enter the world of Trystan Embrie Colbourne. Once the admittedly spoiled daughter of a wealthy nobleman, she now lives in physical comfort but under the spiteful rule of her resentful stepmother. Her primary joy is the freedom of secret horseback rides while her family sleeps. It’s on one such ride that she crosses paths with a young man who becomes what she might dare to call a friend.

Traitor's Masque

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Book Review & Blog Tour: Exiles

My Review

Reading Exiles jumped to the forefront of my priorities list as soon as I got the advanced reader’s copy from Jaye. Other books might get lost in my work schedule, buried under tasks I need to do for church, or lay temporarily forgotten while I visit friends … but not when that book contains characters as beloved and missed of Kyrin, Jace, and the others.

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Words of Radiance: When Right Makes Might … Literally

What would happen if concepts could take near-tangible form and bond with people to lend chosen individuals extra strength and skill? That is exactly what happens in the fantasy world Sanderson weaves for The Stormlight Archives. Spren are the visible representations of concepts like fear, pain, and glory. (In Narnia, Dryads and Naiads are the spirits of trees and water that can take physical form. Spren are similar, but represent intangibles instead of elements of nature.)


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Book Review: The Way of Kings

Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service. -pg 831

The Way of Kings brings David and Goliath odds to a whole new level. I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered a story where the little guy got stepped on so many times and or the superior force of the bad guys been so complete. To make matters more difficult, the little guy is not only fighting ridiculous odds, he’s also fighting to define and embrace his own honor and humanity in a world of white washed sepulchers.

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New and Upcoming Books I’m Excited For

We all have favorite authors we follow closely, anticipating their new book releases. It’s especially exciting when a new book in a series releases, and you can finally get resolution to the cliff hanger at the end of the previous book–or, if there was no cliff hanger, spend more time with your favorite characters. I thought it would be fun to share four of the books I’m looking forward to this fall.


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